Perceptions Of Advertising

The psychological impact of advertising is in stages. More info: Edward Minskoff. There are 4 stages: – to attract attention – the excitation of interest – conviction – action. Each stage of the impact of each is interconnected, and the breach sequence of stages or the exclusion of any of them leads to the fact that people do not accept advertising, and therefore it does not reach the goal. The first phase of advertising exposure – to attract attention to the proposed product. Good advertising is always based on an original, fresh and well thought out idea. Advertising should be expressive, well-designed, colorful, memorable and unusual. By the same author: angelo dolce. The next stage – the excitement of interest, or In other words, her perception. The perception of advertising affected by many factors, both positively and negatively.

Each person is unique, so the process of perception of advertising at all is different. Factors of perception advertising depends on: the terms of the interests of the alleged buyer's needs, social status, occupation, education, age. All of these factors necessarily take into account when developing advertising for the product. Of great importance is the process of persuasion or store advertising. The degree of memory depends on the repetition sounded on television or radio in the advertising message or the frequency of seen in the subway advertising, media, etc. Suggestible to be extremely simple, brief, positive, optimistic and zhizneutverzhdayusche, then it will facilitate the process of persuasion that it is your product or service better for the consumer. And, therefore, it will last, the final stage of the perception of advertising – the consumer adoption of the decisions in your favor.

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