IESDE Brasil School

Leaving of these educational and structural reformularizations, the ownership of the government Squid in 2003, generated a significant increase of mounts of money and politics for promotion of the social inclusion, objectifying, in accordance with the PT (Left of the Workers), the socioeconmicos combat to males lived deeply by the population of low purchasing power, promoting conditions of social inclusion, especially to most disfavored. However, it was only the initial kick. In our country, two quandaries coexist: the integration and the inclusion. Of certain the integration molds they are turned toward the necessary resources to the individual, while the inclusion attends to this individual exactly, intervined in the system with ways of supports and supports. This situation if reflects in the school, where the dualidade of thoughts persists. Citing Rosila Edler Oak in its book: The New LDB and the Education 61: ‘ ‘ While the access to the education will be selective, as much for the ingression as for the permanence of thousand of pupils in the school, we cannot speak in equality of educational chances, nor in full exercise of cidadania.’ ‘ , it makes in them to reflect on the importance of the work in set of the action politics, pedagogical, social and all that are part of this context. One of the intentions of the social inclusion is the promotion of the citizenship.

The school is the main diffusing of the social culture and its modifications, per many decades was directed to the rigidity of cultural thoughts, left as inheritance of our extrativistas colonizadores, for in such a way, the current social transformations also suggest, transformations in the way to think, to act and to act in the society. What it is lived deeply in the daily one, many times, not condiz with the promises of changes designated for the authorities. The school for example, to receive the pupils and its differences, are cognitivas they of origin, motricidade or of any another nature, must not only provide to the tools, enabled structures and professionals, as well as is necessary that all its ideology has this mark of inclusion, therefore is counted on other barriers, to the times the proper individual to be enclosed brings obtains not to want, the low one esteem, familiar problems, final etc. Consideraes: The social inclusion became a social movement, politician, cultural and educational, defending, in the school, the right of all educating not to be discriminated, constituting a based educational quandary in the idea of human rights, working the difference, in order to level it, advancing for the social quality, in the citizenship direction. To invest in the formation of the professor and to adjust the proposal politician-pedagogical of the school, will provide the success of the inclusive school, therefore through the knowledge of the necessities of educating and the lined up proposals well, the mission of the educator will be facilitated in relation to the inclusion, also will motivate the permanence of the children in the school.

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