Federal District

Difficult to assess the possible effects of 16%. In most concerned about climate change, Russians who consider themselves well to material security; in this group of events in a catastrophic scenario predicts 51% of respondents, while among the less affluent respondents – 44%. The impact of global warming on Russia will most negative, say 59% to 18% (23% found it difficult to forecast). The most optimistic people in the coldest, the Siberian Federal District (29% positive predictions, 57% – negative), the most pessimistic respondents Southern Federal District (+6%, -70%). Opinions of Russians on the issue of funding the fight against global warming are divided: for spending 45% of respondents favor (17% of them – for full funding and 28% – in limited), 'against' – also 45% (including 24% believe that it is better to spend state funds available for social programs, and 21% explained its position that it is impossible to prevent global warming).

Well interviewed more financially secure 'for' funding (50% 'for', 40% 'against'), moderately affluent respondents opinions were divided (46% and 44%), financial and interviewed more disadvantaged 'versus' (40% 'for' and 46 % 'against'). The survey was held on 10-11 March 2007 survey covered 1,600 people in 153 settlements in 46 regions and republics of Russia. The statistical error does not exceed 3.4%. Another danger of global warming? Climate change is a global scale not only causes polar ice to melt, but also leads to a truly cosmic effects – disrupted the planet over time. This process illustrates a new computer model.

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