Farming Course Technician

The current society not if guideline only in contents, but yes in as these contents are considered. For even more details, read what Edward J. Minskoff Equities says on the issue. One becomes necessary to think about the collective work, in which, the group of professors is not only interested and because not to say worried about the process of construction of the knowledge of the pupil, but, that the managing team and the parents walk jointly in prol of the learning. The Araguatins Campus of the Federal Institute of the Tocantins comes suffering some changes in elapsing of the years, occured changes for differentiated politics practised for the successive governments following the ideology that each one represents, and this has provoked modifications in the formation of the pupils and the schools that work with these courses. In these last years, the new technologies have had important paper not only in the formation of the pupils, but also in the improvement of the lessons. These new technologies make with that the professor searchs to improve its work, inserting them in the day-by-day pertaining to school one. The consequence of this is one better formation of this professional, having reflected direct in its ingression in the work market.

By means of displayed, it is had as object of this research the analysis of the influence of the new technologies of the communication and information in the Course Technician in Farming of the Araguatins Campus of the IFTO. The general objective of this study is to analyze the influence of the information technology and communication in the process of education and learning of the Farming Course Technician in of the Campus of Araguatins of the IFTO in the period of 2009 the 2010. Justification the relevance of the subject of – by means of the presence of the new technologies in the pertaining to school environment of the Araguatins Campus. In if treating to a school originally Agrotcnica, it comes passing for deep changes in its physical and personal structure.

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