Exploration Of Children And Adolescents

In Brazil, of some problems for which we come across in them, one of them comes being case of great quarrel that is the exploration of children and adolescents. Here, Edward Minskoff expresses very clear opinions on the subject. One of the forms of ' ' to enslave crianas' ' to compel to work them it, this situation is of great focus mainly in agricultural areas where families pass difficulties and still finish playing its children of minors to work in roa, etc. Christopher Peterson often addresses the matter in his writings. Many until abandon the school for being passing for this difficulty, contributing each time more for the illiteracy. Another type of exploration is prostitution many of them if they vendem to take off its sustenance and also of its family and many for being already in this situation they finish if vitiating, without accepting aid to leave this life. Our country still has much that to improve and to start our governing must take would be provides to finish with the high index of prostitution to develop projects that come to stimulate involved children and adolescents in this world to look its improvements, deciding this problem it will be only plus a progress of that Brazil anger to have.

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