Encantamento Spaces

_ Conta a history? The interrogation point Age a mere formality of semantics. In the truth, the phrase, despite candy, Sounded imperative: _ Conta a history! It has is very known of the pleasure that is to seat in wheel and to hear a gostosa history. The flavor retraces the distant pasts and, although the technological innovations, always with are renewed yearning and delight that we make use in to hear them a history All we, adults and children. Searched and analyzed in its playful aspect, the art to count histories gained a connotation bigger, as valoroso instrument in the educative process. To count histories passed to be understood as a sufficiently rich possibility of alternative strategy to get subsidies in the redimensionamento of the works with children, being established much more positive lines in the educative action. Beyond expressing themselves a facilitador element of the sociabilizao, interrelao process (the wheel, hearing history, to comment history, to recount history etc.), for intermediary of which if it learns (and it is apprehended) the collective sense, to hear the other, to speak, to express themselves She is necessary, by the way, that the educator has accepted as the necessity basic to establish a concept, a principle, to represent the reading that we have of our work. Of my part, taste to believe an axiom that I held back of old readings: ' ' Education is the process of development of the being humano' '. About this direction, I think, then, to fit to the educator, mainly that one that takes care of of the small children, to dedicate it to be an idealizer of strategies that they aim at to benefit this process. However, before any thing, the use of playful referenciais, as the art to count histories, it goes to consist in the establishment of an environment where the relation pupil-professor reach elaborated levels more of interaction, intending that the pedagogical demands (those emergent necessary actions of the educative space) are directed of more efficient form.

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