
No one eats on the day of 53 pieces of sausage, but the average daily consumption of milk contains just the right amount of cholesterol. About Diabetes This disease such as diabetes are autoimmune diseases, also associated with milk consumption. This is because the protein casein, consists of certain amino acids, which are in a special sequence. If the child first months of his life getting dairy products, the organism could perceive the protein, which is in milk, as a foreign body, and to make antibodies against it, and our cells that produce insulin, have the same amino acid sequence as the protein in milk. And those antibodies that should fight against foreign bodies are beginning to affect our own cells. And someday, this should not happen necessarily, but it can happen, our immune system begins to fight with our own cells that produce insulin. In this case the person develops type 1 diabetes (first type). Type 2 diabetes looks quite different. In this case, diabetes disrupted regulation of glucose in our blood. This disease is largely dependent on the style of our food and this type of diabetes can be cured by changing the style of our food. However, type 1 diabetes can not be cured by simply changing the power, because in this disease oragnizmom destroy the cells that produce insulin. Diabetes: Insulin-abhangiger Diabetes (Typ 1 oder juveniler Diabetes) wird mit Milchprodukten in Verbindung gebracht. Am J Clin Nutr 1990; 51:489-491 In the citation reads: insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1 or juvenile diabetes) occurs in connection with dairy products.

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