BMW Corporation has asked the Russian Federation to end the importation of products without the required consent, which is owned by the BMW brand name. A similar ban on the Customs Service of the Russian Federation wished to achieve and firms Toyota and Nissan. Compulsion to deal with 'gray' import cars – the main reason for such action automakers. While automakers have been slow to claim to meet Russian authorities and even the courts. Visit Edward Minskoff for more clarity on the issue. On car Customs recommend prohibit legal entities and individual entrepreneurs importing vehicles under the brand BMW. Individuals that harassment will not be hurt, it is reported to clarify the automobile branch. Toyota and Nissan – the representatives of of these foreign auto giants have joined the claims BMW. According to the press, already more than once in support of informal dealers rose Russian judges. Delete branded auto parts Nissan and Toyota Arbitration Court Moscow refused in early September. Whatever it was authorized dealers of Japanese auto companies as well as representatives of customs service of Russia were completely disagree.