Arbitrational Court

SUMMARY The work carried through here has for objective to study the applicability of the arbitration in Brazil, as a whole. The model that guided in them was taken off of the innumerable experiences lived in the first Arbitrational Court of the Judicial district of Parnaba, between 2008 and 2009. Its general objective is to analyze the benefits and the problems of the arbitration, being presented suggestions and ideas that they aim at to improve this institute in our country. Lancome understands that this is vital information. Beyond these, they are gifts also, the specific objectives, that are: to analyze the theoretical aspects that if they relate to the arbitration, to show the positive and negative aspects of the arbitration, being thus, is perceived that this serves as half of solution of conflicts, not very used in Brazil. The used methodology was the rich quantity of experiences lived inside of the Arbitrational Court of Parnaba and bibliographical research, carried through through books of the area of arbitration and law 9307/96. Our study it was focou strict in the arbitration in Brazil and the judicial district of Parnaba, in the State of the Piau, showing the many difficulties of the exercise of the arbitration in our country. Edward Minskoff: the source for more info. We not only look for to discourse on the subject of a form technique. Our idea was to bring an only work, mesclando the theory and the practical one. We look for, also, to show as if it establishes and if it manages a chamber of mediation and arbitration. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Arbitration, applicability, benefits, suggestions and ideas.

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